

Latest news

October 24: Arrival of New Fresh Water Fish.

October 24: Arrival of New Marine Water Fish.


Included colors

Flourrescent Green Carpet Anemone

Flourrescent Green Carpet Anemone

Code: 202F

Scientific Name: Stichodactyla haddoni

Price: Upon Request

Origin: Indo-Pacific Ocean




Technical Info

Temperature: 22 - 26 ℃

pH: 8.1 - 8.4

GH: 8 - 12

SG: 1.023 - 1.025



Have not been bred in captivity and rarely do they split on their own. Propagating is not recommended. Anemones in general can multiply by sexual and asexual means. One way is using fission, which is when they actually split in half from the foot or mouth to form a clone, although the clone is its own animal, similar to twins. They will also reproduce using male and female sex glands or find another anemone of the opposite sex. This results in the production of ciliated planula larvae. This planula will eventually fall to the sea floor, develop a pedal disk, and then begin to grow into a new anemone.

