

Latest news

October 24: Arrival of New Fresh Water Fish.

October 24: Arrival of New Marine Water Fish.


Included colors

Albino Giant Gourami

Albino Giant Gourami

Scientific Name: Osphronemus goramy

Price: Upon Request

Origin: Southeast Asia

Family: Osphronemidae


Other Names: Osphronemus goramy



Technical Info

Temperature: 25 - 29 ℃

pH: 6.8 - 7.5

GH: 4 - 10

Max size: 60 cm

Min Tank size: 800 Ltr

Position in Aqua: Top swimmer



The Albino will have mostly white coloration with tinges of silver/gray striping. As they mature, they will develop a thicken lip and gray head. When it spawns, it is a bubble nest builder, using small pieces of plant material and air bubbles.



The Giant Gourami is omnivorous and prefers algae-based foods as well as meaty foods. An algae-based flake food, along with freeze-dried bloodworms, tubifex, and brine shrimp will provide these fish with the proper nutrition.



The giant gourami is an egg layer, and the male will build a bubble nest before spawning. The male and female are distinguished by the dorsal fins and body color. The dorsal fin on the male ends in a point, and the body is darker changing to nearly black during spawning. When breeding, the water in the tank should be decreased to about 20 cm (8 in) deep and the temperature should be 28°C (82°F). After spawning, the female should be removed to a separate tank as the male will jealously guard the eggs, in a captive environment, sometimes becoming aggressive towards the female. The eggs hatch in 24 hours. They must be kept in a dark aquarium.


Compatible with

While small this species can be combined with most other medium-sized community fish. It grows quickly and gradually smaller tank mates may disappear. When the Giant Gourami reaches this stage, it is best combined with other large, peaceful fish. Suggested companions: Leporinus, Anostomus, Botia, Helostoma , Silver Dollars, Knifefish, Loricarids, Scleropages.