Lemon Fin Barb
Scientific Name: Hypsibarbus wetmorei Price: Upon Request Origin: Asia: Mekong and Chao Phraya river basins; Malay Peninsula. Family: Cyprinidae NOT AVAILABLE NOW |
Other Names: Golden belly barb, Lemon-fin Barb |
Technical Info
Temperature: 24 - 26 ℃
pH: 7 - 7.5
GH: 5 - 8
Max size: 20 cm
Min Tank size: 80 Ltr
Position in Aqua: No special swimming level
The body contour of this species is non-symmetrical, with the smooth curve of the dorsal fin.Colors with the age,from yellowish green to silvery gray, perhaps with brown tint.Scales are dark-edged, adding a reticulated effect.the bright yellow color of the fins gives the popular name.A bumpy snout is the characteristic of the young fish.
They are omnivorous. You can give them a great variety of flakes, frozen, and live food. Will eat anything.
Breeding is easy. You should set up the breeding tank with a layer of marbles and a lot of fine leaved plants. Add one male and two females to the tank during the evening. The following morning the fish spawn among the plants. After spawning you should remove the parents because they are notorious egg-eaters. After 30 hours the eggs hatch. When the young fishes are swimming free you can raise them with rotifers, and a few days later with baby brine shrimp and powdered dry food.
Compatible with
Barbs, Chinese Algae Eater, Clown Loaches, Danios, Gouramis, Mollies, Platies, one Red Tailed Shark, Rainbow Shark, Silver Dollar, Swordtails
The lemon-fin barb is popular fish in Thailand.It requires plenty of swimming space in aquarium