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October 24: Arrival of New Fresh Water Fish.

October 24: Arrival of New Marine Water Fish.


Included colors

Mosquito Fish

Mosquito Fish

Scientific Name: Gambusia holbruki

Price: Upon Request

Origin: North America

Family: Poeciliidae


Other Names: Gambusia holbrooki, Eastern Mosquito Fish, Eastern gambusia, Mosquitofish,



Technical Info

Temperature: 15 - 30 ℃

pH: 6 - 8.8

GH: 13 - 17

Max size: 6 cm

Min Tank size: 50 Ltr

Position in Aqua: Top swimmer



The Mosquito Fish can be recognised by its dorsally flattened head, small, upturned mouth, large eyes, rounded caudal fin and single dorsal fin. It is green to brown on the above, grey with a bluish sheen on the sides and silvery-white on the belly. Adult females often have a black mark on the side of the belly above the vent. Males have a large gonopodium. This structure (clearly visible in both images) is formed by the thickened anal fin rays, and is used for sperm transfer to the female.



Omnivore-With work, will accept flakes. Enjoys Bloodworms and brine shrimp as they are similar to their food in the wild. Can be feed up to three times daily.



The mosquitofish can spawn from May through September with females carrying an average of 40 young. This species is one of the few freshwater fish species that bears live young. Because the young are born live they are already able to swim around and feed much like the adults. These fish can increase their population very rapidly. Mosquitofish become sexually mature when they reach 4-6cm in length, and most do not live more than two years.


Compatible with

Compatible with most tetras, barbs, danios, rasboras, smaller rainbowfish, catfish, smaller cichlids, goldfish, koi, guppies and other livebearers. Do not house with known fin nippers such as barbs and gouramis. Ratio of two females to one male will help maintain peace in the aquarium.



Males more aggressive than females.