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October 24: Arrival of New Fresh Water Fish.

October 24: Arrival of New Marine Water Fish.


Included colors

Assorted Crown Pearl Scale

Assorted Crown Pearl Scale

Scientific Name: Carassius auratus

Price: Upon Request

Origin: China and Japan

Family: Cyprinidae


Other Names: Crown Pearlscale Goldfish, Carassius auratus, Crown Pearl Scale



Technical Info

Temperature: 16 - 24 ℃

pH: 6.5 - 7.5

GH: 4 - 20

Max size: 20 cm

Min Tank size: 75 Ltr

Position in Aqua: No special swimming level



The Crown Pearlscale is a member of the goldfish group, long-time favorites of many beginner hobbyists. The Crown Pearlscale Goldfish derived its common name from its iridescent, pearl-like scales and the crown atop its head, similar to an oranda variety. The Crown Pearlscale Goldfish is found in a variety of colors, including red, orange, black, and white, and is almost always a combination of colors.



The food for this fish needs to be low in protein but high in carbo-hydrates, this is why it is often best to use specialist goldfish flakes or pellets to feed this fish. It is a voracious eater so the feeds should be kept down to what the fish can eat in two minutes. This should be done twice daily. Shelled peas, some blanched leaf vegetables and bloodworms should also be included in the diet.



There appears to be a definite courtship ritual when Goldfish breed. Courtship culminates in up to 1,000 eggs, with fry hatching in five to six days. Fry should be fed small live food, and until about 8 months of age, have a very unimpressive, drab coloration.


Compatible with

Best tank mates for Pearlscales are the twin-tails, slow swimming goldfish like the Fantail, Ranchu, Lionhead, Black Moor or other similar varieties. Do not mix with single-tails, like fast Comets, Shubunkins or Common goldfish.



The life span of the Crown Pearl scale may reach up to 25 years