

Latest news

October 24: Arrival of New Fresh Water Fish.

October 24: Arrival of New Marine Water Fish.


Included colors

Odessa Barb

Odessa Barb

Scientific Name: Puntius padamya

Price: Upon Request

Origin: Borneo, Indonesia, Sumatra

Family: Cyprinidae


Other Names: Scarlet Barb, Ticto barb, Puntius sp.



Technical Info

Temperature: 23 - 26 ℃

pH: 6 - 7.5

GH: 5 - 10

Max size: 15 cm

Min Tank size: 120 Ltr

Position in Aqua: No special swimming level



The Odessa Barb is sometimes known as the Scarlet Barb, and the body of the female is silver and pink with a black spot above the pectoral fin. The male is black to silver in coloration and has a beautiful bright red stripe running horizontally from the head to the tail. They are very beautiful and lively fish.



Omnivore, will accept flake, freeze-dried and live foods. Vary their diet but try to give your Odessa Barb a good quality flake food as the main source of their nutrition.



This is a great species for beginning breeders. If a group of Odessa Barbs is well fed and kept with clumps of bushy plants, spawning events are almost inevitable. They are typical egg-scatterers with high fertility. Use separate spawning tank and remove the parents after the eggs are laid. It is best, when trying to breed the Odessa Barb, to house a number of Barbs in the same aquarium until they pair off. After a pair has developed, the female will lay her eggs and the male will follow behind to fertilize. The fry will be free-swimming after about 5 days. Feed the fry newly hatched brine shrimp until large enough to accept crushed flake food.


Compatible with

Odessa barb does well with a majority of barbs such as Platies, Swordtails, Tetras and Rasboras. It can also be kept with other larger fish such as Silver Shark that are more peaceful. It is recommended to keep Odessa Barb in a group of minimum of five. It is not suitable to be kept with long finned and slow moving fish such as Siamese Fighting Fish or Guppies.



The Odessa Barb is a very active fish that may pester or even nip the fins of larger, slower moving fish.