Midas Cichlid (Red Devil)
Scientific Name: Cichlasoma citrinellum Price: Upon Request Origin: Central America Family: Cichlidae NOT AVAILABLE NOW |
Other Names: Midas Cichlid, Flower Horn, Amphilophus citrinellus |
Technical Info
Temperature: 24 - 26 ℃
pH: 7 - 7.5
GH: 2 - 5
Max size: 30 cm
Min Tank size: 500 Ltr
Position in Aqua: No special swimming level
A territorial cichlid, especially around spawning times. The fish can be combined with other medium to large sized cichlids. The tank should be large with plenty of open swimming space. Provide plenty of hiding places with stones, driftwood, and roots. These fish dig a lot so plants cannot be used as a decoration. Males are larger and develop a bump on their forehead.
They are omnivorous. You should give them a great variety of live and frozen food.
Breeding is not difficult. At higher temperatures and good feeding up to 1000 eggs are laid on a substrate and fertilized. The female takes care of the eggs and the territory is defended by the male. The eggs hatch in 3 days and the young are moved to large pits where the parents continue their care. The fry swim free after 5 days, at which time they can be fed small newly hatched baby brine shrimp.
Compatible with
Best kept alone in an aquarium. Possible tank mates that may survive are convicts, jack dempseys, Oscars, firemouths, green terrors, guapotes, blue freckled monsters (umbees), large plecos and African cichlids.
Raising Midas Cichlids in a tank with other young fish may reduce their aggression. Avoiding live foods and always ensuring they are well fed are also suggested as ways to successfully keep them with other fish.