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October 24: Arrival of New Fresh Water Fish.

October 24: Arrival of New Marine Water Fish.


Included colors



Scientific Name: Copadichromis borleyi

Price: Upon Request

Origin: Lake Malawi

Family: Cichlidae


Other Names: Goldfin Cichlid, Haplochromis borleyi redfin, Kadango



Technical Info

Temperature: 26 - 28 ℃

pH: 7.8 - 8.6

GH: 7 - 10

Max size: 20 cm

Min Tank size: 200 Ltr

Position in Aqua: No special swimming level



This fish needs a lot of free swimming space. The aquarium should be set up with stones and rocks to create crevices and caves because females with eggs need hiding places. Some flat stones for spawning are necessary. They are very sensitive for nitrates. A regular large changing of the water and a powerful filter are necessary.



They are omnivorous. You should give them a great variety of live, frozen and dry food.



Breeding is easy. Immediately after spawning the female takes the eggs in her mouth. She retires between the rocks. After 3 weeks the young fishes are released. The female takes care for them a few days more. You can raise them with baby brine shrimp.


Compatible with

They are quite peaceful fish and have a hard time living in the confines of an aquarium with more aggressive haps and mbuna. They have good success with other Aulonocara species.

